UPOPOY Online Study Tour
The Ainu are an indigenous people in the northern region of the Japanese archipelago, particularly Hokkaido. The Ainu culture is distinctive, with a language that is unrelated to Japanese, a spirituality that holds that spirits dwell in every part of the natural world, traditional dances that are performed at family events and festivals, and crafts such as wood carving and embroidery that incorporate unique patterns. Upopoy serves as a national center for the revival and development of Ainu culture, an invaluable culture in Japan that is at risk of extinction.
日 時 2022年 3月7日(月)10:00~12:00
対象者 全学生 * 上智大学の参加者にはイベント後に手ぬぐいが送られます。special benefits for Sophia’s participants:Tenugui
言 語 日本語(English interpretation is available.)
参加費用 なし
開催形式 オンライン(Zoom)
アクセス情報 参加者に連絡
申込方法 ポスター、LoyolaのQRコード
申込締切 2月28日 Feb.28.
主 催 SSIC