Find Sophia
上智のいまを発見待望の対面イベントを開催!~2022年度春学期の直営寮イベント風景~ The long-awaited in-person events: Looking back on events at Sophia Dormitory of the Spring 2022
Find Sophia Now introduces a variety of things that happen on and off campus. In this article, we will look back on the Spring semester events held at our Sophia dormitories (Edagawa Dormitory, Soshigaya International House, and Arrupe International Residence).
In 3 Sophia dormitories, representatives of residents, such as Living Group Leaders (LGLs), support residents’ life and plan exchange events. Although most of the exchange events have been held online since the start of COVID-19, this Spring, we were able to hold face-to-face events while taking infection control measures. Here are some of them, with pictures!
◆Meiji Shrine Tour (Hosted by Soshigaya LGL)
On Saturday, May 14, Soshigaya International House LGL hosted a Meiji Shrine Tour for 3 Sophia dormitory residents. Our residents visited the Shrine as well as the Meiji Jingu Museum guided by the LGLs. This was the first time in about two years that our residents had been able to participate in activities outside of the dormitories. With the relaxation of restrictions on entry into Japan this Spring, many international students entered Sophia dormitories so this was a great opportunity for our residents to experience Japanese culture and traditions.
◆Arrupe International Residence: Welcome Event for New Residents
On Sunday, May 15, “Amazing Race,” a competition in which teams of four completed missions, was held as a welcome event for new residents of the dormitory. Participants enjoyed deepening their friendship in a relaxed atmosphere as they toured the areas near the Yotsuya Campus and dormitory, including the National Diet Building and Chidorigafuchi Park. Although the new residents were a little nervous at first, they seemed to have become completely at ease through this event.
6月5日(日)、祖師谷寮にて中国文化ワークショップが開催されました。同じ寮で暮らす留学生の出身地域の文化をもっと知りたい! という想いから生まれたこの企画。当日は中国文化センターから講師(シュウ リピン氏)をお招きし、中国の切り絵文化について学んだ後、思い思いのデザインの切り絵を作ってオリジナルの提灯に仕上げました。多くの留学生が住む直営寮は、このように日本を含む様々な国・地域の文化を学ぶ機会があるのも魅力の一つです。
◆Soshigaya International House: Chinese Culture Workshop
On June 5 (Sunday), a Chinese culture workshop was held at Soshigaya International House. This activity was born out of the desire to learn more about the culture of the region where the international students who live in the dormitory come from. This project was created out of the wish to learn more about the culture of the places where the international residents who live in the dormitory come from. After learning about Chinese paper cutting culture, participants made their own paper cutting design and original paper lanterns. Like this activity, we can see the interesting point of Sophia dormitory where many international residents live, as it provides students with opportunities to learn about the cultures of various countries and regions.
3つの寮にはそれぞれ独自の特徴がありますが、大学の教育精神”“For Others, With Others”(他者のために、他者とともに)は共通しています。そんな3寮のコミュニティを活性化させるため、毎年、3寮連携で色々なセミナーや交流イベント等を実施しています。
◆Sophia Dormitories Joint Event: Summer Festival
On June 5 (Sunday), a Summer Festival co-organized by students from the three Sophia dormitories was held at the Yotsuya Campus. Many international students from each dormitory participated in the festival. The booths where they could experience traditional Japanese culture and games such as calligraphy and koma-mawashi spinning were very popular. In addition, the festival was filled with smiling faces as the students completed missions at checkpoints on campus in an “Amazing Race”, a “talent show”, and many other exciting events.
Although each Sophia dormitory has its own unique characteristics, they all share the university’s educational spirit “For Others, With Other”. In order to revitalize the community of the three dormitories, various seminars and exchange events are held every year in cooperation with the three dormitories.
「上智のいまを発見」では学生の活躍、耳寄り情報、先生によるコラム、先輩紹介など、大学の中と外でおきているあれこれを特集しています。取り上げてほしい人や話題など、みなさんからの情報も募集中。情報提供は findsophia-co(at)まで。記事形式、ビデオ、写真、アイディアなど形式は問いません。どうぞ自由な発想でお送りください。*残念ながらすべての応募情報にお答えすることはできません。採用させていただく場合のみご連絡をいたします。
Editor’s note
Those were great opportunities for the students to meet and talk directly with their peers from other dormitories, who they normally don’t get to see even in the same dormitory, and to share a lively and fun time. We can’t wait to see what kind of projects the dorm residents come up with in the future!
In the Find Sophia Now, we feature the activities of students, useful tips for student life, columns by our professors, introductions of our seniors, and other topics inside and outside the university. We are also looking for information about people and topics that you would like us to cover. Please send us your suggestion to findsophia-co(at) Any format is acceptable, including articles, videos, photos, and ideas so feel free to provide us your ideas. (We cannot respond to all submissions and we will only contact you if we decide to select your idea.)
See you on next Find Sophia Now!