Find Sophia
大学の中と外で、いまおきているあれこれを紹介する「上智のいまを発見」。今回は、学内のサステナビリティ課題の解決に日頃から取り組んでいるUniversity Innovation Fellows Sophiaが、2022年の米国スタンフォード大学のプログラムに参加した学生のインタビュー記事を寄稿してくれました。
Find Sophia Now introduces a variety of things that happen on and off campus. In this issue, University Innovation Fellows Sophia, which regularly works to solve sustainability issues on campus, has contributed an interview with students who participated in Stanford University’s 2022 program.
2022年10月、上智大学の学部生4名が、スタンフォード大学のハッソ・プラットナー・デザイン研究所(d.school)によりUniversity Innovation Fellowsに任命されました。University Innovation Fellows(UIF)プログラムは、イノベーション、創造性、起業家精神、デザイン思考などのスキルを育成し、学生がキャンパスにポジティブな変化をもたらす存在となることを目的としています。プログラムに参加された学生は、2022年9月から10月にかけてスタンフォード大学が提供した6週間のオンライントレーニングを無事に終了しました。このトレーニングには16カ国63の高等教育機関から242名の学生が参加しましたが、上智大学からUIFに参加するのはこれで3期目となります。
李 唯伊 (リ・ユイ)(国際教養学科3年)
堀川 沙愛(社会学科SPSF2年)
In October 2022, four undergraduate students from Sophia University were named University Innovation Fellows by Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (d.school). The University Innovation Fellows (UIF) program aims to empower students to become agents of change on their campus by nurturing skills in innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, and Design Thinking. The UIF Sophia Fellows who participated in the program this past year are among 242 students from 63 higher education institutions in 16 countries to have successfully completed the six-week online training offered by Stanford from September to October 2022. They are the third cohort of students from Sophia to participate in this program.
Sophia University’s 2022 UIF cohort includes:
Wei-Yi (Zoe) Lee (3rd year, Department of Liberal Arts)
Poonya Suthamporn (3rd year, SPSF Department of Human Sciences)
Sanjana Rapeta (3rd year, SPSF Department of Global Studies)
Sana Horikawa (2nd year, SPSF Department of Human Sciences)
これまで、UIF Sophiaに参加した学生は、キャンパス内外におけるサステナビリティの課題に対する解決法を共同で作ることを目的としたワークショップ、イベント、学習プログラムなどを推進してきました。昨年10月に開催された「SDGs x Innovation Sparker」も、学内でサステナビリティを推進するためにUIF Sophiaが企画したイベントでした。
今年度のUIFコホートは新しいプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。食料余剰プロジェクトとソフィア・インターナショナル・ソサエティという2つの企画です。最初のプロジェクトは、より持続可能なキャンパス、(特に食の面で)の推進に焦点を当てたものでした。アンケートを実施し、95名以上の回答を得た後、3名のカフェテリア責任者(2号館学生食堂、11号館ラウンジ 、9-CAFÉ)にインタビューを行いました。その後、昼食時間後の余剰食料の販売の可能性について話し合いを続けています。2つ目のプロジェクトは、学内における英語話者のソフィアンのコミュニティ形成を目的としたもので、学術的なイベントだけでなく、社会的なイベントも開催していきたいと考えています。フェローたちは今後、これらのプロジェクトに取り組み続けます。
UIF Sophia Fellows are actively facilitating workshops, events, and learning programs. The purpose is to spark students’ creativity, foster collaboration among different stakeholders, and co-create innovative solutions for sustainability challenges on campus and beyond. The “SDGs x Innovation Sparker” that was hosted in October 2022 was one such event that UIF Sophia organized to promote sustainability on campus.
This year’s UIF cohort has formulated two new projects: the food surplus project and the Sophia International Society project. The focus of the first project is to promote a more sustainable campus, especially in terms of food. After conducting a survey and receiving over 95 responses, as well as conducting interviews with the heads of 3 different cafeterias (Building 2 Cafeteria, Building 11 Lounge, and 9-CAFÉ), the team started to discuss the possibilities of selling food surplus after lunch hours. The second project aims to create a sense of community among English-speakers on campus through academic and social events. The Fellows have started implementing these projects following their official nomination as fellows.
李 唯伊(国際教養学科3年) :「現在社会学と人類学を専攻しています。内向的な私は、自分のような人間が変化をもたらすリーダーになることはできないと思っていました。しかし、UIFは、私がどのような役割を果たそうとも、自分が自分であることで、ポジティブな変化を生み出すことができると気づかせてくれたのです。UIFプログラムで新たに身につけたデザイン思考のスキルで、私のチームと一緒にキャンパスのエコシステムと学生のキャンパスライフを改善し続けたいと思います」
Wei-Yi “Zoe” Lee (3rd year, Department of Liberal Arts): “I am currently studying sociology and anthropology. As an introvert, I used to think that someone like me could never be a leader of change. However, UIF helped me realize that no matter what role I play, I can create positive changes by just being who I am. With my newly acquired Design Thinking skills from the UIF program, I hope to continue improving the campus ecosystem and students’ campus life with my team.”
Poonyaporn Suthamporn (3rd year, SPSF Department of Human Sciences): “I have a strong interest in using entrepreneurship as a tool to address sustainability challenges. The UIF program has gifted me with a new group of ambitious peers with diverse interests and expertise as well as a new innovative framework of thinking and working. My experience with UIF has enabled me to explore my interests and to step out of my comfort zone by becoming more responsible, cooperative, and open-minded. It has also helped me to boost my entrepreneurial skills through the implementation of projects with team members and different stakeholders to improve our campus experience and ecosystem. I hope to continue addressing pressing needs on campus and beyond with my team, and I look forward to seeing the UIF Sophia community continue to grow and make positive changes on campus.”
Sanjana Rapeta (3rd year, SPSF Department of Global Studies): “Since joining UIF, I have been able to learn about Design Thinking, entrepreneurship, and innovation, which are becoming increasingly relevant wherever you go. Using these skills and ideas has helped me better understand ways we can build upon community and connectivity within our existing campus ecosystems. I am looking forward to applying what I have learned in new ways to address students’ needs and create positive, impactful change.”
Sana Horikawa (2nd year, SPSF Department of Human Sciences): “I have a strong desire to create social change in my community. Through UIF, I felt I could gain innovative and entrepreneurial skills, practice them on campus, and work on projects that fill a need on campus. I look forward to seeing the subtle yet substantial changes we can make.”
UIF Sophiaについて詳しく知りたい方は、ウェブサイト(https://www.uifsophia.com/)をご覧ください。またUIF Sophiaのインスタグラム(https://www.instagram.com/uifsophia/)からも情報を得ることができます。新しい機会やアイデアにオープンでありたいと考え、学生、教職員、また内外の様々な団体とコラボレーションしています。UIF Sophiaは2023年1月から2023年度のフェロープログラムの学生を募集中です。
The 2022 Fellows have expressed that the program has helped them gain critical skills, such as collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity to accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship in the Sophia community through their projects. They intend to share their knowledge and skills with others on campus and to work with the university administration to integrate Design Thinking and entrepreneurship into the curriculum. They also aim to connect with other University Innovation Fellows from other institutions and to make a positive impact in their community.
If you would like to learn more about UIF at Sophia, visit their website (https://www.uifsophia.com/) or check out UIF Sophia’s Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/uifsophia/). If you would like to collaborate with UIF Sophia, they are always open to new opportunities and ideas, and they welcome interested and passionate members of the Sophia community. UIF Sophia has also started to recruit students for the 2023 cohort of University Innovation Fellows starting this January.
「上智のいまを発見」では学生の活躍、耳寄り情報、先生によるコラム、先輩紹介など、大学の中と外でおきているあれこれを特集しています。取り上げてほしい人や話題など、みなさんからの情報も募集中。情報提供は findsophia-co(at)sophia.ac.jpまで。記事形式、ビデオ、写真、アイディアなど形式は問いません。どうぞ自由な発想でお送りください。*残念ながらすべての応募情報にお答えすることはできません。採用させていただく場合のみご連絡をいたします。
This is the third term of the UIF program for Sophia. I feel the power of change in the voices of the Fellows, who express that they are “looking forward” to putting what they have learned into practice on campus.
In the Find Sophia Now, we feature the activities of students, useful tips for student life, columns by our professors, introductions of our seniors, and other topics inside and outside the university. We are also looking for information about people and topics that you would like us to cover. Please send us your suggestion to findsophia-co(at)sophia.ac.jp. Any format is acceptable, including articles, videos, photos, and ideas so feel free to provide us your ideas. (We cannot respond to all submissions and we will only contact you if we decide to select your idea.)
See you on next Find Sophia Now!