Find Sophia
大学の中と外で、いまおきているあれこれを紹介する「上智のいまを発見」。先週に引き続き、University Innovation Fellows Sophiaからのレポートをお届けします!
Find Sophia Now introduces a variety of things that happen on and off campus. Continuing from last week, we bring you another report from University Innovation Fellows Sophia!
The following are a collection of personal reflections on the UIF Silicon Valley Meetup and the visits that our team made to a number of Stanford laboratories and organizations in the greater Bay Area during our time before and after the meetup. Learn about the experiences that impacted and reshaped our fellows during the trip.
総合グローバル学科SPSF3年 ラペタ・サンジャナ
Reflection by Sanjana Rapeta ‘24, Department of Global Studies
On returning to Japan after our week-long trip in Silicon Valley, there is one message that continues to stand out to me from the trip: In order to build great design, one should not look around themselves with fear and apprehension, but instead with optimism and anticipation for the possibilities of what is to come.
My understanding and perspective of what it means to engage in “design” and to be a “design thinker” grew richer as I listened to the stories of University Innovation Fellows from all across the world, spent time with this community built through diversity, and saw the many ways that one can approach design in not only our work but also in our everyday lives. Just as people can use design with intention and careful thought to improve the experience of the user for whom they are designing a product or service, I learned through my time at the meetup how this can be applied to our own lives as well. That is, we can embrace a design thinking mindset in our day-to-day lives by making decisions and embracing uncertainty with intention as well. This mindset allows us to not be swept by the currents of everyday life but instead remain grounded yet flexible at the same time. Ultimately, the design thinking mindset and values that the University Innovation Fellows community embodies motivates and inspires us to be ambitious changemakers for the future.
総合グローバル学科SPSF3年 佐伯華
現代の社会では、主にメディアが世界で起きている現状や問題を報道します。しかし多くの場合それらの取りあげられ方は否定的で、解決策を共に考えるというより問題を描き出すだけのものです。アンカンファレンスでのフェローたちとのディスカッションは、常に存在している問題を積極的に解決しようとしている変革家が世界中どこにでも存在することを改めて実感させるものでした。UIF Sophiaは誰もがチェンジメーカーになれると信じています。UIFミートアップを通して、同じような動機、目標、考え方、また世界をより良い場所にしたいという希望を持った仲間がたくさんいることを知り、力をもらいました。
Reflection by Hana Saeki ‘24, Department of Global Studies
The final day of the meetup included an activity called the “Unconference,” where fellows were given an open panel in which they were allowed to freely host and discuss topics of interest with passing fellows, or leave at any time to join other panels hosted by other fellows. The freedom in passing over from one group to the other, exchanging insights, and engaging in open discussions with others was influential for me, particularly because there were so many fellows with different expertise and social backgrounds that shaped their perspectives. This made me have a deeper and wider understanding of the many topics discussed, and it helped to expand the networks among fellows and discuss opportunities for future collaboration.
The media is currently the primary source we use to learn what is occurring in the world, yet it often conveys information in a negative or hopeless way. The discussions we had with the fellows during the Unconference were a reminder to me that there are changemakers everywhere across the globe who are actively trying to find solutions to the many challenges that exist in our world. UIF Sophia stands behind the belief that every actor has the potential to become a changemaker. Through the UIF meetup, it was empowering to realize there were so many like-minded friends with the same motivations, goals, mindsets, and hope to make the world a better place.
物質生命理工学科グリーンサイエンスコース3年 長井珠李
スタンフォード大学のd.schoolを訪問した際、ミートアップとは別に、大学のDoerr School of Sustainabilityの2つの研究室、バイオエンジニアリング&化学工学研究室、また環境地球化学研究室を見学させていただきました。これらの研究室はエネルギー変換を最適化するための化学反応を触媒する技術や、炭素隔離のための土壌炭素循環システムに取り組む研究などを行なっていました。さらに、それらの研究を超えて、現代社会が直面している持続可能性の課題に関して、研究所が活発的に取り組んでいるのを感じることもできました。
Reflection by Giuli Nagai ‘24, Department of Science and Technology
To learn more about how a higher education institution like Stanford is exploring the intersections of scientific research, sustainability, and design, our team visited two laboratories in the Doerr School of Sustainability: the Jaramillo Lab situated in the Shriram Center for Bioengineering & Chemical Engineering and the Environmental Geochemistry Lab. Beyond the intensive research towards technologies that can catalyze chemical reactions to optimize energy transformation or soil carbon cycling systems for carbon sequestration, I could tell there is genuine dedication to tackling and overcoming sustainability challenges facing us today.
Considering our involvement in UIF, it was also interesting to see how design plays a role in STEM-based environments. Upon discussion, we discovered that although design does play a fundamental role in the creation of many of the systems and technologies researched, it is also often used to find innovative ways to communicate and introduce the technologies within the wider society and markets. Incorporating design (thinking) into STEM education is also a critical tool for enhancing communication and understanding about science to the wider public.
国際教養学科4年 李唯伊
Reflection by Zoe Lee ‘24, Department of Liberal Arts
The day after the closing of the Silicon Valley Meetup, our team spent the afternoon with psychologist Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu at the Harmony House (the center for Stanford’s Institute for Diversity in the Arts), where we engaged in heartfelt communication and mindful activities on gratitude and the meaning of life with one another. Such quality time with other members was essential to the growth and bonding of our team, since we were going through the 6-week training online under COVID restrictions and were busy focusing on building and implementing projects on campus after being launched as fellows. It was a time when I truly felt present and connected with other members, who I now see as my family.
Heartfulness is vitally important in this digital age we live in. Heartfulness is not simply living in the present moment (mindfulness), but living in the now by listening with an open heart to our inner voice and the voices of others, embracing vulnerability, authenticity, and gratitude. In an era where stronger and wider digital connectivity allows us to transcend the limitations of time and space, our interpersonal human connection has become tenuous and shallow. We “see” new people and their experiences yet “feel” less in touch with them. We are also constantly being chased by deadlines and responsibilities in the hustle and bustle of today’s society, making us become less connected with ourselves. As a design thinker and an aspiring storyteller myself, Dr. Murphy-Shigematsu’s lesson on “heartfulness” made me realize the dire need of finding new ways to create authentic human connection and promote empathy in this ever-changing technological world we live in.
総合グローバル学科SPSF3年 大泉晴香
UIF Sophiaは、デザイン思考やイノベーションに変革をもたらすツールとしてだけでなく、多様性を受け入れる安全な空間づくりや強力なコミュニティを作ることに力を注いでいます。デザイン思考を安全な空間づくりのために応用しているHopelab社を訪問したことは、私たちにとって非常に刺激的な体験となりました。Hopelab社の職場環境と、そこで紹介された最近のプロジェクトは、LGBTQ+の若者のメンタルヘルスに焦点を当てたものでした。個人的にメンタルヘルスとD&I(Diversity & Inclusion)において非常に興味を持っている者として、デザイン思考と私の興味がどのように結びつくのかについて理解を深めることができ、とても貴重な体験となりました。 イノベーションとデザインを行うIDEO社を訪問した際、私たちは3人のパネリストにIDEOのデザイナーとしてのキャリアについてお話を伺う機会をいただきました。現在IDEOで働いてるパネリストの学歴や経歴は、化学者、ジャーナリスト、看護師、デザイン等、それぞれ違ったもので衝撃を受けました。デザイン思考の強みは、誰もがデザイン思考を用いることができること、時にはすでに日常的にデザイン思考を使っているということです。私たちは、大なり小なり人生で問題にぶつかったとき、状況を把握し解決策を考えます。このデザイン思考のプロセスでは、多様なバックグラウンドから得た様々なスキルがチームの強みになるということを、パネリストを通して知る機会となりました。
Reflection by Haruka Oizumi ‘24, SPSF Department of Global Studies
UIF Sophia dedicates itself not only to using design thinking and innovation as a tool to bring about change, but also creating a safe space and a strong community for its members. Our last day in the Bay Area culminated with a trip into San Francisco, where we visited two organizations, Hopelab and IDEO, that are dedicated to building such safe spaces. Visiting HopeLab, a company that uses design thinking to address mental health challenges for youth, especially from the LGBTQ community, was inspiring for all of us. As a person passionate about mental health, diversity, and inclusion, it was a life-changing experience to see how design thinking and my personal interests could come together.
Upon visiting IDEO, an innovation and design company, our team had the opportunity to meet three designers and hear about their career experiences in the form of a panel discussion. We were surprised to learn about the diverse educational backgrounds and experiences of the three panelists who were a chemist, a journalist, and a nurse. The strength of design thinking is that anyone can be, and at times they already are, a design thinker. When we come across a problem, big or small, we think of ways to come up with a solution by brainstorming and thinking about the people involved. In this process of design thinking, different skill sets gained through diverse backgrounds become a strength for the team.
UIF Sophiaについて興味のある方は、ウェブサイト(https://www.uifsophia.com/)をご覧ください。UIF Sophiaとのコラボレーション、私たちの取り組みへのサポート、また参加に興味のある方はメール(sophia.uif@gmail.com)やインスタグラム(@uifsophia)で気軽にご連絡ください!
If you are interested in learning more about UIF Sophia, visit our website at uifsophia.com. If you are interested in collaborating with us, joining our initiatives, or supporting us, please feel free to reach out to us via email (sophia.uif@gmail.com) or instagram (@uifsophia) anytime!
「上智のいまを発見」では学生の活躍、耳寄り情報、先生によるコラム、先輩紹介など、大学の中と外でおきているあれこれを特集しています。取り上げてほしい人や話題など、みなさんからの情報も募集中。情報提供は findsophia-co(at)sophia.ac.jpまで。記事形式、ビデオ、写真、アイディアなど形式は問いません。どうぞ自由な発想でお送りください。*残念ながらすべての応募情報にお答えすることはできません。採用させていただく場合のみご連絡をいたします。
It seems like they truly enjoyed the benefits of in-person gatherings and had impactful experiences. It’s wonderful to see how they are deepening their internal reflections on how to apply those experiences to their daily lives and future.
In the Find Sophia Now, we feature the activities of students, useful tips for student life, columns by our professors, introductions of our seniors, and other topics inside and outside the university. We are also looking for information about people and topics that you would like us to cover. Please send us your suggestion to findsophia-co(at)sophia.ac.jp. Any format is acceptable, including articles, videos, photos, and ideas so feel free to provide us your ideas. (We cannot respond to all submissions and we will only contact you if we decide to select your idea.)
See you on next Find Sophia Now!