Find Sophia
【直営寮】2023年度秋学期LGL研修に潜入! 講師の目から見たLGLの成長
【Sophia Dormitories】2023 fall semester LGL training! How LGL grow from the perspective of the lecturer
上智大学直営寮(上智枝川寮・祖師谷国際交流会館・アルペ国際学生寮)は、国籍、宗教、文化等、多様なバックグラウンドを持つ学生たちが暮らす教育寮です。近年、学生の主体的な学びや成長実感が重視されていますが、共同生活や交流の機会を通じて、直営寮生たちはどのような成長実感や気づきを得ている のでしょうか? 2回にわたり紹介します。
Sophia dormitories (Edagawa Dormitory, Soshigaya International House, and Arrupe International Residence) are educational dormitories where students from diverse backgrounds live and spend time together. Let’s find out how students grow and acquire self awareness through dormitory life from two articles.
The second article introduce the training session for living group leaders (LGL) at Soshigaya International House and Arrupe International Residence.

秋学期の活動開始のタイミングにあわせて行われた今回の研修では、講義やグループワークを通して、LGL として自分らしいリーダーシップを発揮するために必要なことを学びました。学生センターと協働で研修を担当した講師の樋榮ひかるさん(湘南工科大学特任教授、慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパス非常勤講師 )にお話を伺いました。
On September 8th, a joint LGL training session between Soshigaya International House (Setagaya Ward, Tokyo) and Arrupe International Residence (Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo) was held at the Yotsuya Campus.
This session was held to support those who will start their duties as a LGL in fall semester, through lectures and group works, the students learned what they need to demonstrate their leadership as LGLs. Below is brief interview with Ms. Hikaru Hiei (Specially Appointed Professor at Shonan Institute of Technology and part-time lecturer at Keio University’s Shonan Fujisawa Campus), who oversaw the training in collaboration with the Center for Student Affairs.
※About Living Group Leader(LGL)
At Soshigaya International House and Arrupe International Residence, living groups are formed for residents to achieve personal growth through living together with people from diverse background. A living group leader (LGL) is appointed in each group, and as a representative of the dormitory, the living group leader (LGL) provide move-in support for new residents, plan events and sessions to cultivate dormitory culture.

Q. はじめに自己紹介をお願いいたします。
Q. Please introduce yourself.
Ms. Hie: Hello everyone. I put myself as an “Edutainer” on both my name card and personal website. This is a coined word of Educator and Entertainer and can best describe the learning program that I provide.
While studying behavioral and thinking trends, we design learning programs that incorporate improvisation, and provide social and emotional training/learning to people from a wide range of industries, occupations, races, and ages, including enterprises and schools in and outside Japan.
I was deeply shocked by the terrorist attacks that occurred 20 years ago, and through trial and error, I came up with a way to create a supportive community where the world works hand in hand, which is Edutainment. I believe that the key to creating a society rich in imagination is to foster more playful mind when learning. Therefore, I have worked to provide opportunities for people to have more conversation with the mind of care for each other.
The moments when I feel most relaxed are when I’m surfing or reading.
Q. 樋榮さんには、過去にも数回LGL研修を実施いただきました。対面での研修は初となりますが、祖師谷国際交流会館とアルペ国際学生寮のLGLの学生たちは、どのような印象でしたか?
Q. Ms. Hie has provided several online training sessions to LGL in the past. How do you feel about the students after you have finally meet them in person?
対話の場面では真剣に話し合い時間内にアウトカムを出そうとする姿勢や、講義の部分では真摯にうなずきながら傾聴してくださる様子なども嬉しく、わたし自身のパッションを引き出していただきました。 傾聴力の高い方と接していると自身の持っている以上の力を発揮することができます。 まさに、LGLのみなさんのおかげで、通常以上の集中力で台風接近の影響で切り上げることになった時間をカバーできるだけの研修を即座にリデザインし、ご提供できる力を与えて頂けたと感じています。
Ms. Hie: The first impression is their smiling face. There were some people who seemed a little nervous at first, but I was left with an impression that everyone interacting with each other with bright smiles.
The students were also full of compassion. They were kind and strong, willing to help each other without hesitation. They were also full of playful mind, which allow them to be friendly and open up to each other quicky.
I was happy to see how they engaged in serious discussions during dialogue and tried to produce an outcome within the time limit, and how they listened with nodding sincerely during lectures, and I was able to bring out my own passion. When you interact with people who have good listening skills, you can demonstrate more power than you have. Thanks to all the participants, I was able to immediately redesign and provide training to cover the time that was cut short due to the approaching typhoon, with greater concentration than usual.

Q. いつも斬新なアイデアと遊び心溢れる研修ですね。学生の学びをデザインするために工夫している点はありますか?
Q: The training session is always full of innovative ideas and playfulness. Is there anything you put emphasize on when you prepare session for students?
Ms. Hie: What I always do at the beginning is to imagine how the participating students will ultimately be like.
Specifically, while reading the reflections I receive from the Center for Student Affairs, I imagine how the students are currently feeling while living in the dormitory.
Then, based on what kind of state the students want to be like, I identify the essence necessary to get to that state and plan the flow of the training so that participants can feel that they have achieved that state.
Furthermore, regarding the causes and issues of the current situation, I usually formulate several hypotheses while recalling my own experiences and conversations with students.
Also, even if you spend a lot of time preparing, there may be times when you suddenly have to make changes based on the atmosphere and demeanor of participants on the day.
Get prepared with some preliminary plan that can withstand such changes is also part of my preparation process for sessions.

Q. LGLは学期ごとに任命され、終了時には振り返りを行っています。その内容から、学生の成長をどのように感じましたか? また、より成長実感を得られるよう、今回の研修をどのようにデザインし、実施されましたか?
Q: LGLs are appointed on semester basis and a review is conducted in the end of each semester. Based on the review outcome, how did you feel about the growth of the students? Also, how did you design and carry out the training session so that participants could feel a greater sense of growth?
Ms. Hie: During the training session, I have seen several times when the new LGLs from the previous training were now serving as mentors for current new LGLs. They are willing to share their own experiences and opinion during discussion, reliable and never being boastful. I could feel that living in the dormitory has helped them grow in that way.
Also, without any support from myside, the students instantly understood my instruction, and proactively divide roles within the team and produce output within the timeframe. I couldn’t help but feel their growth.

Q. 2寮の寮生とLGLへのメッセージがありましたらお願いいたします!
Q: Please tell us if you have any message that you would like to deliver to the LGL in our dorms!
Yesterday is a history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a GIFT. That’s why it’s called the present.
Ms. Hie:Being able to learn and play in a diverse and inclusive environment during your short student life is a very valuable time in your life.
It has been said for a long time that we are living in the VUCA era (an unpredictable era), and in such an era, there is a need for people with flexible, free-spirited minds, future-oriented, reliable leadership, and the ability to take action. I sincerely hope that every LGL will lead society and the world in the future, and I am excited to see their amazing growth (GROW) when I see them again.
Yesterday is a history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a GIFT. That’s why it’s called the present.
Please cherish every moment and live a precious life. It has been said that even a chance acquaintance is decreed by destiny. Any questions or even invitation from you would be much welcome. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.

樋榮ひかる(ひえ ひかる)|プロフィール
Hikaru Hie provides eye-opening Edutainment programs across the country that combine education and entertainment. She is one of the top Japanese instructors, being awarded for four consecutive years at the IT System User Conference, where 1,500 instructors gather every year.
Since 2007, Hikaru Hie has been a lecturer at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus, and since 2012 she has been contracting with high schools and universities across the country to provide training and consulting to improve the educational skills of those who teach at university. In April 2020, Hikaru Hie became a specially appointed professor at Shonan Institute of Technology (high school-university connection program). She is striving to create futuristic schools and human development using design thinking. Hikaru Hie has a reputation for her ability to instantly capture the hearts of participants and is often referred to as the “Ice Breaking Wizard”!

Editor’s Note:
「上智のいまを発見」では学生の活躍、耳寄り情報、先生によるコラム、先輩紹介など、大学の中と外でおきているあれこれを特集しています。取り上げてほしい人や話題など、みなさんからの情報も募集中。情報提供は findsophia-co(at)まで。記事形式、ビデオ、写真、アイディアなど形式は問いません。どうぞ自由な発想でお送りください。*残念ながらすべての応募情報にお答えすることはできません。採用させていただく場合のみご連絡をいたします。
Many LGL met each other for the first time during this training, but thanks to the powerful and energetic Hie-sensei, the participants were able to open their mind and communicate with each other, making the training a very fulfilling experience. We would be happy to see that all participants open their mind for learning new things and continuing to grow through the experience of being a LGL at Sophia dormitory.
In the Find Sophia Now, we feature the activities of students, useful tips for student life, columns by our professors, introductions of our seniors, and other topics inside and outside the university. We are also looking for information about people and topics that you would like us to cover. Please send us your suggestion to findsophia-co(at) Any format is acceptable, including articles, videos, photos, and ideas so feel free to provide us your ideas. (We cannot respond to all submissions and we will only contact you if we decide to select your idea.)
See you on next Find Sophia Now!