Find Sophia
【直営寮】キャンパス外で社会課題に触れて学ぼう! Sophia Dormitory Study Tour を実施 ~続編~
【Sophia Dormitories】Sophia Dormitory Study Tour – Leaning Social Issues Outside the Campus!-Part II
上智大学直営寮(上智枝川寮・祖師谷国際交流会館・アルペ国際学生寮)は、国籍、宗教、文化等、多様なバックグラウンドを持つ学生たちが暮らす教育寮です。近年、学生の主体的な学びや成長実感が重視されていますが、共同生活や交流の機会を通じて、直営寮生たちはどのような成長実感や気づきを得ている のでしょうか?
直営寮生対象の「Sophia Dormitory Study Tour」について、好評につき続編をご紹介します。
Sophia dormitories (Edagawa Dormitory, Soshigaya International House, and Arrupe International Residence) are educational dormitories where students from diverse backgrounds live and share time together. In recent years, being able to learn proactively and keep on growing were viewed more and more important for students. How would students grow and acquire self awareness through dormitory life?
Let’s find out from following articles, “Sophia Dormitory Study Tour- Part II”.
Sophia Dormitory Study Tour とは
About Sophia Dormitory Study Tour
直営寮では、教育プログラムとして「Sophia Dormitory Study Tour」を開催しています。これは、SDGsや社会課題に取り組む現場に赴き、現地での体験や人との触れ合いを通じて寮の仲間と課題解決を探求し、リーダーシップ、コミュニケーション能力、行動力等、将来役立つスキルを身に付けられる日帰りツアーです。直営寮では留学生も多く暮らしているため、ツアーは日英両言語で行われます。第2弾として、2023年度秋学期に行われた3回のツアーの様子をレポートします。
“Sophia Dormitory Study Tour” is held as a one-day educational program for those who lives in dormitories owned and directly operated by the University. This involves going to the field where SDGs and social issues are being tackled, exploring problem-solving with dorm mates through on-site experience and interaction with people, and acquiring skills that will be useful in the future, such as leadership, communication skills, and the ability to take action. Since there are many international students live in Sophia dormitories, tours are conducted in both Japanese and English. Part II articles introduce tours offered in the autumn semester of 2023.
For Part I (spring 2023 tours), please check here.
◆11月25日(土) 人と自然をつなぐ”都心の養蜂”銀座ミツバチプロジェクト
November 25, 2023-Urban Beekeeping, the Ginza Mitsubachi Project that Connects People and Nature
Through the Ginza Mitsubachi (honeybee) Project, which raises honeybees in the middle of Tokyo, the students learned about the new values and possibilities of the Ginza district, the symbiosis between the urban city and the environment, and regional revitalization.
Students first had a lecture on the Ginza honeybee initiative before visiting the apiary on the roof of the building. At the garden terrace, students tried out honey from different harvest periods and compared the differences in aroma and taste. Group discussions were also held on the theme of “What can be the force to increase greenery?” as well as “Think about initiatives to make rooftop greenery a social infrastructure.” Participants exchanged lively opinions on mechanisms to raise people’s awareness and effective use of vacant spaces in buildings.
In the afternoon, participants strolled around Ginza, considering the relationship between street trees and honeybees. While looking at photos of Ginza from the past, they also visited a few remaining back-alley shrines and unique stores to see Ginza’s historic streets from a different perspective than usual.
Participants’ Voice:
・”In my country, honey production is usually done in rural area. I was surprised that bee keeping can be done in the center of a city like Ginza.”
・”It was interesting to see the project developed not only by cooperating with local communities, but also with communities in other cities and prefectures.”
・”The Ginza town walk was also interesting and enjoyable. I now understand why Ginza is such an important place base on its history.”
◆12月2日(土) 日本で、世界で、貧困に向き合う日本人
December 2, 2023-Japanese People who Confront Poverty in Japan and the World
東京都足立区で貧困家庭の子どもたちを支援している一般社団法人チョイふる、フィリピン・セブ島で寺子屋を運営している国際協力NGO Anya’sの活動から、日本や世界の貧困問題について学習しました。
昼食後は、国際協力NGO Anya’sについて、セブにおける貧困問題、寺子屋創設までの道のり、現在直面している問題等を学びました。また、チョイふる創設者から足立区の貧困問題や必要な支援が届かない要因、解決策について講演いただきました。最後に、「日本の貧困を無くすためにできることは?」をテーマにグループワークを行い、ボランティアではなく事業として続けるためのアイディアが数多く出されました。
Students learned about poverty issues in Japan and around the world from the activities of Choice-Ful, a general incorporated association that supports needy children in Adachi Ward, Tokyo, and Anya’s, an international cooperation NGO that operates a private school in Cebu Island, Philippines.
On the day of the tour, students first moved along with food delivery van in different groups. By visiting families in need to help delivering food and the children’s cafeteria in Adachi Ward, students had the chance to interact with the families and children, and experience part of Choice-Gul’s activities.
After lunch, the participants learned about Anya’s, an NGO for international cooperation. Anya’s shared information about poverty issues in Cebu, the path taken until establishing the private school, and the problems they currently face. In addition, the founder of Choice-Ful gave a lecture on poverty issues in Adachi Ward, the factors that prevent support to reach people in need, and solutions to the problems. Finally, students discussed on the topic of “What can people do to abolish poverty in Japan?” Many ideas came up and suggested that related activities should be done as a business rather than as volunteering.
Participants’ Voice:
・”I was able to learn about the hidden poverty in Japan that I wasn’t aware of. Being present on the site, I can really experience the difficulties and the severity of the situation.”
・”The practical experience which normally cannot have was truly meaningful. It was also a valuable experience for me to interact with students from different faculties/departments, grades, and backgrounds, as well as working adults.”
・”I have been focusing only on overseas so far, but now I know that there are things I can actually do by taking action in Japan, which made me want to look more on Japan from now on.”
◆2月3日(土) すみだモダンから学ぶ地域ブランド戦略
February 3, 2024-Regional Brand Strategy to Learn from Sumida Modern
初めに、株式会社 片岡屏風店を訪れ、実際に屏風造りにも使用している本格的な材料を使って「からくり屏風」の製作を体験しました。次に、博物館や工房を見学しながら、日本の伝統工芸品「かんざし」の歴史に触れました。
Visiting manufacturing companies in Sumida Ward, Tokyo, students gained awareness on urban development and regional brand strategies through hands-on experience.
On the day of the tour, students first visited Kataoka Byobu Store, where they experienced making a “karakuri-byobu”(mechanical folding screen) using authentic materials that are actually used for making folding screens. Later, students also visited a nearby Kanzashi (hair pin) museum and its workshop to learned about the history of the traditional Japanese craft.
After back to Kataoka Byobu Store, a lecture was given talking about the branding effort of Sumida Modern in cooperation with Sumida Ward, and the issues facing by local companies such as succession problems,
After the lecture, a discussion was held on the theme of “How would the participants promote traditional products in Japan and to overseas if they were owners of a manufacturing company in Sumida Ward.”
Various proposals were generated, including collaborations with tourist attractions such as Solamachi and hands-on tours for foreigners.
Participants’ Voice:
・”It was an opportunity to see how much effort and passion artisans put into creating traditional handmade pieces such as folding screens and hairpins.”
・”I was able to learn more about Sumida Modern. Now I have more stories to tell my friends when we hang out around Asakusa in the future.”
・I learned not only how to make a karakuri folding screen, but also the beauty of the craftsmen’s work and the difficulties involved in passing it on.”
参加してみてどうだった? スタディツアーと成長実感
How was the study tour and the feeling of growth after participation?
また、祖師谷寮のマリンガ ファライさんは、スタディツアーの魅力について「他では得難い新たな体験、友情、知識への扉を開くことができる素晴らしい機会」と述べます。「居心地のよい場所から飛び出し、人間的にも学問的にも視野を広げて成長するチャンスだと思います。いつもの日常から一歩踏み出して、ぜひ一緒に新たな発見と成長の旅に出かけましょう!」と参加を呼びかけました。
A resident of Edagawa dormitory who participated in a total of four study tours in FY2023 reflected “It was interesting to find things related to my previous studies, and how the new things I learned affected my own life.” He said it was also refreshing and interesting to see the view of Tokyo from the bus during the trip. “I believe that visiting places you wouldn’t normally go and interacting with people you wouldn’t normally meet will have no small impact on the rest of your life,” said he. “If you haven’t participated yet, please do so and join us!”
Farai Maringa, a resident of the Sophia Soshigaya International House described that joining study tours allow students to “open doors to new experiences, friendships, and knowledge that participants may not have access to otherwise.” Maringa also encouraged those who have not yet participated to join as “it is a chance to push yourself out of your comfort zone and grow personally and academically.” “You never know what amazing things may come from stepping outside of your usual routine. Join us and embark on a journey of discovery and growth,” said Maringa.
Editor’s note
「上智のいまを発見」では学生の活躍、耳寄り情報、先生によるコラム、先輩紹介など、大学の中と外でおきているあれこれを特集しています。取り上げてほしい人や話題など、みなさんからの情報も募集中。情報提供は findsophia-co(at)sophia.ac.jpまで。記事形式、ビデオ、写真、アイディアなど形式は問いません。どうぞ自由な発想でお送りください。*残念ながらすべての応募情報にお答えすることはできません。採用させていただく場合のみご連絡をいたします。
We are glad to find out that students who participated in the Study Tours has broaden their horizons and interests through learning various way of thinking. In FY2024, more Study Tours that students can enjoy learning through hands-on experience is scheduled to be offered. All residents of Sophia dormitories are welcome to join!
In the Find Sophia Now, we feature the activities of students, useful tips for student life, columns by our professors, introductions of our seniors, and other topics inside and outside the university. We are also looking for information about people and topics that you would like us to cover. Please send us your suggestion to findsophia-co(at)sophia.ac.jp. Any format is acceptable, including articles, videos, photos, and ideas so feel free to provide us your ideas. (We cannot respond to all submissions and we will only contact you if we decide to select your idea.)
See you on next Find Sophia Now!