Find Sophia
On June 20, 2024, an online dialogue was held between Pope Francis and university students from the Asia-Pacific, including Sophia students. In the preparatory stage for the event, the students adopted the discussion methods of the Catholic Church, which are different from those used in ordinary discussions. Through the dialogue, students who are not Catholic had the experience of “praying” with their peers to listen and choose something that is called deep within each of their hearts. Here are the voices of the students who participated in this extraordinary event.
ORITA, Yuga – 1st Year, Graduate School of Global Studies Doctoral Program in Area Studies
During the sharing, each participant showed a desire to do something about different social issues. However, it was very impressive to see how, through the dialogue, issues that seemed different naturally converged into universal issues of conflict and peace.
NAGASHIMA, Saaya –1st Year, Department of Economics
I am not Catholic, so when I first heard that we were to discern the presence and participation of the Holy Spirit in the group, I honestly did not understand what that meant. However, through the practices, I feel like I understood somehow. As we shared our views more and more, the direction of the group naturally became clear. I came to think that even if we don’t disagree with each other in discussions, if we all have the desire to understand each other, we may all be able to unite our thoughts.
MORINAGA, Erika –3rd Year, Doctoral Program in Systematic Theology
At first, I thought that a dialogue on contemporary issues, even through a spiritual conversation, would be like a normal discussion, in which similarities are found and summarized. However, there was no attempt to forcibly create common ground. Rather, I was surprised that through the process of spiritual conversation, in which we listen to what the other person has to say, be silent, and then try to share again, we were able to come to a consensus without forcibly choosing common points. I was also impressed that the dialogue eventually moved toward an attitude that emphasized not only common ground but also the value of the existence of different positions. I believe that it was precisely because we adopted the format of spiritual conversation that we were able to proceed with the discussion without forcing similarities and without discarding differences, which are actually important values.
特に印象に残っているのは、”Ideology is a disease”というお言葉や”Peaceful and constructive dialogue”の重要性についてお話をされていたことです。
ARISAWA, Riho – 3rd Year, Department of English Studies
I was particularly impressed by the Pope’s words “Ideology is a disease” and the importance of “peaceful and constructive dialogue.”
Ideology shapes the way we think, but there is a long history of ideology leading to the exclusion of others. I felt that Pope Francis is concerned about the current situation in which ideology builds psychological barriers between people and prevents peaceful dialogue.
It also made me think about the need for dialogues to be constructive, rather than destructive. I think this means that we must not forget to respect others in any situation. I believe that dialogue is meaningful not just for knowing and understanding others. Instead, it is better to be clear of why and what we want to achieve once we know each other. With this sense, a dialogue in which we cooperate with each other to move forward would be meaningful.
OHKADO, Yui–1st Year, Doctoral Program in Death and Life Studies
It was really fortunate for me to be able to participate in this event. I learned a great deal about the methods of dialogue with others, met students from other universities, and connected with other Sophia students who are interested in similar fields. The method of dialogue with others was so important that it will affect the way I live my life in the future. I hope that through this experience with students from other universities and Sophia, we can continue to dialogue together and improve the world we now live in, even if only a little.
Not only was this the first time that ordinary university students had the opportunity to express their opinions to the Pope, but also a great benefit for them to learn a new way of dialogue. The students who participated are already planning to practice spiritual conversation together! Let’s look forward to how things would turn out in the future!
To view the online dialogue, visit Loyola University Chicago’s YouTube channel. Conversation for Morinaga’s group starts at 37 minutes and 55 seconds, and for Arisawa and Ohkado’s group starts at 1 hour, 14 minutes, and 51 seconds.
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