さて、突然ですが皆さんの第二外国語、いわゆる二外は何ですか? イスパニア語、中国語、ドイツ語、フランス語、韓国語などを勉強している人が多そうですね。
Hello, everyone!
Well, this is quite sudden, but what’s your second foreign language? Many students are studying Spanish, Chinese, German, French, Korean etc.
せっかくだから、勉強している二外を実際に使ってみたい!と思っている人も少なくないですよね? そんな人のためにあるLLC主催の企画「Language Exchange」に行ってきました!
Since some of you are studying hard your foreign language, wouldn’t you like to actually use it at Sophia University? The “Language Exchange” event is for such people.
Language Exchangeとは、お昼を食べながら留学生と日本語と外国語を使ってコミュニケーションをとる企画です。
Language Exchange is a lunchtime event organized by Language Learning Commons (LLC), where Sophia students can interact with exchange students, using Japanese and their foreign language.
It’s held three times in each semester at LLC (Building 6, 1st floor).
I went there on French day. At first, students are placed into tables depending on their language level (elementary, intermediate or advanced).
There were around 6-7 people in each table and 2-3 of them were exchang students. Depending on the language and time, around 20-30 students participate in total!
そして、このLanguage Exchangeは第二外国語・日本語を使ってコミュニケーションをとることを目的とした企画です。つまり、英語は使用禁止。
Also, this event is aimed for having communication using Japanese/the second language. In other words, English is prohibited.
「J’ai commencé…」
For example,
”J’ai commencé…”
“Ah, commencer means ‘start’, right?”
Some students used both languages and learned French expressions.
Every student enjoyed talking in French and Japanese. One student was trying to explain what she ate for lunch in French.
フランス語の場合だと、フランスからの留学生はもちろん、カナダやベルギーなどのフランス語圏からの学生もいます。さらに、中には母語ではないにも関わらずネイティブレベルに話せるため、複数の言語のLanguage Exchangeに参加している人もいるとか……。
In the case of French day, there are not only exchange students from France but also French speaking countries such as Canada and Belgium. In addition, some exchange students participate in Language Exchange in multiple days because they can speak several languages as much as native speakers…
次のLanguage Exchangeの開催は11月。
The next Language Exchange will be held in November.
Let’s participate in it by all means!
■上智大学 言語教育センター Sophia university CLER (Center for Language Education and Research)