Student Gatherings
11月9日に祖師谷国際交流会館で、Movie Nightを行いました。これはリビンググループリーダー(LGL)が企画したイベントです。講堂を映画館として、プロジェクターを設置し、床にはピクニックマットを準備しました。
Sophia dormitories (Edagawa Men’s Dormitory, Soshigaya International House, and Arrupe International Residence) are educational dormitories where students from diverse backgrounds live and spend time together.
On November 9, Sophia Soshigaya International House hosted a Movie Night. This event was organized by Living Group Leaders (LGLs). They prepared the auditorium for the “movie theater” by setting up a beam projector and picnic mats on the floor.
多くの参加者が枕や毛布を持ち込み、ピクニックマットに寝ころびました。入口に用意された”popcorn buffet bar”でポップコーンを受け取り、映画の開始を待ちます。
Many residents brought their pillows and blankets to lie on the picnic mats and grabbed popcorn of their choice at the “popcorn buffet bar” before the movie starts. The movie screened that day was titled “1922,” a horror movie released in 2017.
事後アンケートの回答者は全員、「次回のMovie Night にも参加したい」と回答しました。次回はどのような作品を鑑賞できるか楽しみですね。
All respondents to the post-event survey answered that they would love to participate in the next Movie Night. Looks like residents are all looking forward to enjoying the next movie together.
A Movie Night is perfect for a dormitory event. Although it gets dark early during autumn time, residents can return to their room immediately after the movie. Thank you to all the LGLs who organized the event.
Soshigaya International House and Arrupe International Residence are our international dormitories, home to residents from diverse backgrounds. These dormitories use the Living Group as the basic unit of the community, allowing students to learn and grow within a diverse residential environment. Living Group Leaders (LGLs) are appointed to facilitate various activities within this system. LGLs organize many activities such as move-in support, workshops, exchange events, and the proposal and implementation of rules to foster a vibrant dormitory culture.