Student Gatherings
12月8日に祖師谷国際交流会館で、リビンググループリーダー(LGL)の企画によるスポーツイベント、”Battlegrounds 2.0″ が開催されました。
Sophia dormitories (Edagawa Men’s Dormitory, Soshigaya International House, and Arrupe International Residence) are educational dormitories where students from diverse backgrounds live and spend time together.
On December 8, a Sports Event called “Battlegrounds 2.0” was held by Living Group Leaders (LGL) at Sophia Soshigaya International House.
The event featured a variety of sports
and games that catered to everyone.
The sports included badminton, dodge
ball, basketball, tug of war and soccer.
The games included Cup Speed Grab,
Dizzy Bat Race and War Cry Battles.
Participants were divided into two teams and competed against each other.
結果は、Red Bulls チーム(15点)が、Blue Balls チーム(12点)を破り優勝しました。
この企画を3語で示すと、Exciting, Refreshing and Memorable となるそうです。
As for the result, the Red Bulls team emerged victorious with 15 points, defeating the Blue Balls team, who scored 12 points, to win the championship.
The participants described this event in three words: exciting, refreshing, and memorable!
こちらの企画、”Battlegrounds” により、さらに寮生達の距離が近くなり、繋がりができる事を期待します。
We hope that the ”Battlegrounds” event will foster connections among students and help bridge the gap between residents.
Soshigaya International House and Arrupe International Residence are our international dormitories, home to residents from diverse backgrounds. These dormitories use the Living Group as the basic unit of the community, allowing students to learn and grow within a diverse residential environment. Living Group Leaders (LGLs) are appointed to facilitate various activities within this system. LGLs organize many activities such as move-in support, workshops, exchange events, and the proposal and implementation of rules to foster a vibrant dormitory culture.