学内のサステナビリティ課題の解決に日頃から取り組んでいるUniversity Innovation Fellows Sophiaが寄稿してくれました。オランダでのサステナビリティツアーと米国スタンフォード大学とトゥウェンテ大学共同主催のミートアップに参加したレポートの後編をお届けします!
Find Sophia Now introduces a variety of things that happen on and off campus.
University Innovation Fellows Sophia, who have been actively working on solving sustainability issues within our campus, have kindly contributed this article. Here we present the second half of their report on the UIF Dutch Sustainability Tour and the meetup co-organized by the University of Twente and Stanford University.
2024年4月12日から14日にかけて、上智大学のUniversity Innovation Fellowsの一団が、オランダのトゥウェンテ大学のデザインラボで開催された2024年 Global UIF Meetupに参加しました。このミートアップの前、フェローたちは自ら企画した1週間のスタディーツアーでアムステルダムを訪れ、オランダのイノベーション、持続可能性、循環性、そして社会的インパクトに触れる機会を持ちました。スタディーツアーの記事もありますので、よかったらそちらも確認してください。
From April 12-14, a group of University Innovation Fellows from Sophia University participated in the 2024 Global UIF Meetup held at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. Prior to this meetup, the fellows participated in a self-organized week-long study tour in Amsterdam to immerse themselves in the Dutch culture of innovation, sustainability, circularity, and social impact. You may see the other article for the report on the study tour.
On the first day of the meetup, we were warmly welcomed at FC Twente’s stadium by the UIF team and the FC Twente sustainability team. They shared their story about how FC Twente’s commitment to sustainability allowed them to undertake initiatives such as the promotion of reusable cups to their spectators. This was a powerful example of how even organizations not typically associated with sustainability, such as a football club, can contribute when driven by the will to make a difference.
The following two days were filled with engaging workshops, inspiring talks, and a variety of activities. The facilitators were from diverse backgrounds, including UIF alumni, professors, and industry experts, just to name a few. The themes were wide-ranging, from sustainable campus initiatives and embodied learning to self-awareness and community building, all structured to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to become the challengers and change makers of the world.
Moreover, each day concluded with heartfelt speeches by UIF alumni, who shared personal stories of their vulnerabilities, life challenges, and their dreams and aspirations. These intimate sessions beautifully captured the close-knit, family-like atmosphere and the growth-driven spirit of the UIF community. The meetup was further energized by spontaneous icebreakers, adding a layer of excitement and fun. One standout activity was the community rock-paper-scissors game, where the losing players became cheerleaders for the winners, symbolizing the deep community values of care, respect, support, and encouragement. Also, sustainability, a core value of the UIF program, was integrated throughout the event, exemplified by plant-based meals, reusable cups, and recycled cutlery. The Global Meetup at the University of Twente was a transformative experience for many of the fellows. The three days were filled with love, laughter, connection, and values that inspired our future journeys into becoming the change makers for the better.
ミートアップ参加後、UIF Sophiaの一部メンバーの感想はこちらの通りです。
Following are the reflections from some of the UIF Sophia fellows about their experiences of the meetup.
国際関係法学科 3年 矢野莉央
自身の持っていた価値観を良い意味で変えてくれました。日本ではあまり行うことがないですが、一人の人間として自分自身を言語化し、ありのままで自由に暮らしていくための道筋を見出すことができました。全ては、向こうで出会った仲間たち、上智大学のメンバー、UIF Japanのメンバーなど、環境ではなく「人」によって変えられました。
総合グローバル学科SPSF 3年 ジャクソン トンプソン
国際教養学科 4年 バットエルデネ ハグワデュラム
Rio Yano, Department of International Legal Studies, Third Year
The best thing about the program was that I was able to meet many people in a short period of time who had all kinds of academic expertise and personal backgrounds that I would not have had the chance to meet in my everyday life. It was very important for me to be in an environment where I could not only efficiently meet all kinds of people, but also meet people of the same age group who will be working together to change society in the future, I hope.
If possible, we would like to create an innovation facility. Since the important thing is not the location but the design of an environment where people can easily gather, I believe that we need to start by designing an environment.
It changed my sense of values in a positive way. I was able to find a way to verbalize myself as a human being and live freely as I am, which is something we rarely do in Japan. Everything was changed not by the environment but by “people,” such as the friends I met over there, the members of Sophia University, and the members of UIF Japan.
Jackson Thompson, SPSF Department of Global Studies, Third Year
The most valuable part of the Meetup was undoubtedly the incredible variety of people, each with their own varying backgrounds, that came to the 3-day long program. In a single group of four, there could be people present from 4 different continents. This incredible diversity allowed for a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to share ideas and brainstorm with individuals seeking to create positive change.
Lkhagvadulam Bat-Erdene, Department of Liberal Arts, Fourth Year
The three-day Meetup at the University of Twente was nothing short but full of incredible encounters, inspiring ideas, and new feelings. The diversity of the people by differing cultures and academic backgrounds was an incredibly valuable opportunity to broaden my worldview. And despite the differences, I was amazed to learn through the conversations that deep down, we were all connected by our shared passion and enthusiasm towards making changes for the better.
The Meetup program consisted of a wide range of workshops with themes from campus sustainability, mind and body connection to self-awareness training. The workshops challenged us to have a holistic lens of the world to be able to tackle complex problems in the world. I especially enjoyed the self-awareness workshop, in which we were challenged to look at our personal identity from multiple perspectives, define our privileges, allowing us to take our unconscious biases to the surface and beware of ourselves and the world around us. In fact, the session was so fascinating to the point I thought that having self-awareness is the foundation to having a happy and fulfilling life.
最後までお読みいただきありがとうございます。この記事を通して、UIF Sophiaのオランダツアーやグローバルミートアップの様々な側面をお伝えできたことを願っています。過去のイベントや最新のお知らせをご覧になるには、ぜひ私たちのInstagram (@uifsophia) をご確認ください。
Thank you for reading the two-part article about our experiences in the Netherlands! Hopefully, this article showed varying aspects of our self-organized Dutch Tour and the UIF Global Meetup. You may visit our Instagram (@uifsophia) to see the past events and latest announcements.
UIF Sophiaのメンバー達は今回のオランダツアーで様々な施設に訪問し、人々と交流することで貴重な経験を得ました。皆さんがこのツアーを通じて学び、成長しただけでなく、得た知識や感じたことを他の人々に伝えたいという強い意志を持っていることを嬉しく思います。
「上智のいまを発見」では学生の活躍、耳寄り情報、先生によるコラム、先輩紹介など、大学の中と外でおきているあれこれを特集しています。取り上げてほしい人や話題など、みなさんからの情報も募集中。情報提供は findsophia-co(at)sophia.ac.jpまで。記事形式、ビデオ、写真、アイディアなど形式は問いません。どうぞ自由な発想でお送りください。*残念ながらすべての応募情報にお答えすることはできません。採用させていただく場合のみご連絡をいたします。
Check out the first half of UIF 2024 tour here!
The UIF Sophia fellows gained valuable experience by visiting facilities and interacting with various people in the Netherlands. We are pleased to see that students not only learned and grew through this tour, but are also enthusiastic about disseminating their knowledge and insights to others.
In the Find Sophia Now, we feature the activities of students, useful tips for student life, columns by our professors, introductions of our seniors, and other topics inside and outside the university. We are also looking for information about people and topics that you would like us to cover. Please send us your suggestion to findsophia-co(at)sophia.ac.jp. Any format is acceptable, including articles, videos, photos, and ideas so feel free to provide us your ideas. (We cannot respond to all submissions and we will only contact you if we decide to select your idea.)
See you on next Find Sophia Now!