Find Sophia
大学の中と外で、いまおきているあれこれを紹介する「上智のいまを発見」。今回は、2021年8月~10月に行われた米国スタンフォード大学のUniversity Innovation Fellowsプログラムについて、参加者の佐伯華さん、ショート真菜さん、長井珠李さん、黒岩こころさんにご寄稿いただきました。
Find Sophia Now introduces a variety of things that happen on and off campus.
This issue was contributed by Hana Saeki, Mana Short, Giuli Nagai, and Kokoro Kuroiwa, participants of the University Innovation Fellows program offered by Stanford University in the United States, which took place from August to October 2021.
昨年に引き続き、今年も上智大学生8名がスタンフォード大学デザイン学部 Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (d.school) が開講するUniversity Innovation Fellowsプログラム(通称: UIF) に参加しました。2021年8月31日から6週間にわたりオンラインで行われたプログラム終了後、10月20日にスタンフォード大学からUIFフェローとして公式認定されました。
In October 2021, eight undergraduate students from Sophia University were named University Innovation Fellows (UIF) by Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (d.school). They are among 251 students from 65 higher education institutions around the world to have successfully completed the rigorous six-week online training period offered by UIF starting August 31, 2021. They are the second cohort of students from Sophia to participate in UIF.
Sophia University’s 2021 UIF cohort includes:
The University Innovation Fellows (UIF) program aims to empower students to become agents of change in their campus by imparting principles of innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, and Design Thinking. Fellows use what they learned in various ways, such as by working with peers and institutional stakeholders to create student-led innovation spaces, facilitating workshops, and developing courses in collaboration with faculty, staff, and administrators.
The Sophia UIF cohort formulated three projects aimed at improving information sharing, bridging disciplinary gaps, and sparking innovation at Sophia University. Their projects were introduced in a short video.
大泉晴香(総合グローバル学科SPSF 2年):「自分がもっと積極的になり、変化を起こせる人間になりたいと思っていました。UIFを通して問題を特定し、行動することで解決するスキルを身につけました。また、これらの解決策を実現するために協力してくれる多くのチームメイトにも出会えました」
佐伯華(総合グローバル学科SPSF 2年):「UIFに参加したのは、誰かがキャンパスや社会をより持続可能なものにしてくれるのをじっと待っているだけではいけない、と思ったからです。ドミノのように他の人にも力を与え、チェンジメーカーが増えるように行動できる機会を望んでいました」
ショート真菜(総合グローバル学科SPSF 2年):「UIFは、私がSPSFで学んでいることや実践していることを補完してくれる、教室外の安全な空間であり、社会の変革者になるためのスキルや考え方を身につけることができる貴重な場所です」
Kokoro Kuroiwa ‘22: “I can use what I learned to bring meaningful and positive change to society. Moreover, being able to connect with like-minded students from all over the world has empowered me to explore my passion and take on new challenges.”
Giuli Nagai ‘24: “Although I’ve always enjoyed solving problems, I realized I didn’t take the time to truly empathize and understand those who were personally affected by them. UIF has helped me to gain a new perspective that makes coming up with solutions much more meaningful and satisfying.”
Haruka Oizumi ‘24: “I wanted to see myself become more assertive and capable of making change. Through UIF, I gained the skills to identify problems and to solve them by taking action. I also found teammates who helped to make these solutions a reality.”
Hana Saeki ‘24: “I joined UIF because I didn’t just want to sit around waiting for someone else to change the campus environment. I was looking for the opportunity to become a person who could empower others to become changemakers by creating almost a domino effect, and UIF gave me the perfect opportunity and skills.”
Mana Short ‘24: “UIF complements what I’m learning and doing in Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures. It’s a safe space outside of the classroom where I can develop the skills and mindsets to become a changemaker in society.”
Maria Sjøblom Bjørndalen ‘23: “The initial force that made me want to join UIF was the wish to challenge myself, as I realized that it’s only when you reach out of your comfort zone that you will be able to grow and gain confidence in what you do. I also saw UIF as an opportunity to learn the tools necessary to make positive changes around me.”
Ryoka Suzuki ‘23: “UIF provides a great opportunity to cultivate an innovative mindset and learn new ways of approaching problems. It’s also a great way to connect with people you would never have imagined working with and to get inspired by other UI Fellows to start initiating change.”
Sawako Suzuki ‘23: “What I learned and who I met through the UIF program are definitely things that I will cherish throughout my lifetime.”
At present, the Fellows are working on carrying out their proposed projects by closely collaborating and connecting with student organizations, faculty, and staff members at Sophia. By using the skills learned in the program, the Fellows intend to spread the concepts of Design Thinking not only to empower students individually, but also to help trigger their passions to bring innovative solutions into reality. They hope that in the future many actors will continue to support them in bringing forth positive changes for everyone on campus “for Others, with Others”.
「上智のいまを発見」では学生の活躍、耳寄り情報、先生によるコラム、先輩紹介など、大学の中と外でおきているあれこれを特集しています。取り上げてほしい人や話題など、みなさんからの情報も募集中。情報提供は findsophia-co(at)sophia.ac.jpまで。記事形式、ビデオ、写真、アイディアなど形式は問いません。どうぞ自由な発想でお送りください。*残念ながらすべての応募情報にお答えすることはできません。採用させていただく場合のみご連絡をいたします。
Looking back on the program, it was impressive to hear the Fellows say, “By taking a courageous step forward, I was able to gain new insights and connections”.
There must be many Sophia students who want to start something new. We are looking forward to seeing what kind of innovation they will bring to the campus by involving other Sophia students who want to do something!
In the Find Sophia Now, we feature the activities of students, useful tips for student life, columns by our professors, introductions of our seniors, and other topics inside and outside the university. We are also looking for information about people and topics that you would like us to cover. Please send us your suggestion to findsophia-co(at)sophia.ac.jp. Any format is acceptable, including articles, videos, photos, and ideas so feel free to provide us your ideas. (We cannot respond to all submissions and we will only contact you if we decide to select your idea.)
See you on next Find Sophia Now!