Find Sophia
A new exchange program between Sophia and Sogang University has begun! We held this exchange program from February 14 to 18 at Sogan University in Seoul. From planning to implementation, all program details were designed by both Sophia and Sogang students. The aim was to deepen our friendship and share the spirit of ‘Synodality‘ as we are both catholic universities. As the host school, Sogang University held the first memorable event this time.
本プログラムの企画内容を策定した記念すべき第一回となる上智大学のプロジェクトチーム(以下PJT)は岩本早紀さん(物質生命理工学科4年)、齋藤あいりさん(英語学科2年)、 浅黄李宝さん(フランス文学科4年)、他1名の学生です。
Here are our project team members (hereafter referred to as PJT): Saki Iwamoto (Dept. of Materials and Life Sciences, 4th year), Airi Saito (Dept. of English Studies, 2nd year), Rihou Asagi (Dept. of French Literature, 4th year), and one other student.
The PJT members worked together through Zoom meetings with the Sogang PJT members to create this program. At Sophia University, we had several meetings with 13 participants.
First, let us introduce one of the participants who wrote this report―Shino Yamauchi (Dept. of Nursing, 3rd year)
” I wanted to experience what it’s like to be a university student in Korea and interact with local Korean students!―that was my sole motivation for participating. Through the project, I was able to deepen my relationships with students from Sogang University and made many friends whom I want to meet again soon. I enjoyed every moment I walked around the Sogang campus. Additionally, as a Mejiro Campus student, I rarely have the opportunity to meet other students at the Yotsuya Campus, so this project provided me with many opportunities for cross-grade interactions among Sophia students, and it was full of ‘encounters‘.'”
2月14日金浦空港に到着。空港での温かいお迎えを受けました。ホテルから徒歩で西江大学に向かい、さらに沢山の西江大学の学生が教室で私たちを歓迎してくれました。オリエンテーションが始まり、西江大学のOh Seil 先生(Vice-President for International Affairs,Department of Sociology)から「上智大学と西江大学、そして日本と韓国の交流の架け橋となって欲しい、5日間を楽しんでください」とのお話をいただきました。その後、PJTの自己紹介とお互いの大学の紹介がありました。その後、参加者はグループごとに自己紹介をしました。まだ緊張感がお互い強く、気まずかったあの瞬間は、今では面白い思い出です。
On February 14, we arrived at Gimpo Airport and received a warm welcome. Then, we walked from the hotel to Sogang University, and they greeted us in a classroom. The orientation began with a speech from Father Oh Seil, the Vice-President of International Affairs at the Dept. of Sociology. He said, “I hope you become a bridge between Sophia and Sogang University, as well as between the two countries through this program.” After that, we presented our respective universities and introduced ourselves. Although there was still a lot of tension and awkwardness at that moment, it has now become a funny memory.
The next day, we visited Lotte World and Lotte Tower. Due to the weekend, it was so crowded that we couldn’t ride many attractions, but we fully enjoyed the atmosphere by renting school uniforms or wearing headbands. At first, there was still some distance between the students, but we chatted during the wait times for attractions, and finally, we got closer. We also took commemorative photos in front of the merry-go-round, one of Lotte World’s popular photo spots.
西江大学生にキャパス内を案内してもらいました。イエズス会の紋章が刻まれている西江大学のランドマーク「ALBATROS TOWER」や、大学のシンボルの鳥であるアルバトロスなどが描かれている大聖堂前の階段アートなど現地で見る事ができてとても良かったです。キャンパス中央に位置する芝生エリアではピクニックなどができるそうです。カフェも沢山設置されていて、西江大学の学生間でも沢山の交流が生まれる場所がある事もわかりました。
Sogang students guided us on a campus tour for us. It was wonderful to see landmarks like the “ALBATROS TOWER,” which features the Jesuit emblem, and the staircase art in front of the cathedral depicting the albatross, the university’s symbol. The central lawn area is perfect for picnics, and there are many cafes around the campus, providing plenty of spaces for students to interact and socialize.
The activity report following the campus tour will continue to Part 2.