Find Sophia
【直営寮】キャンパス外で社会課題に触れて学ぼう! Sophia Dormitory Study Tour を実施
【Sophia Dormitories】Sophia Dormitory Study Tour – Leaning Social Issues Outside the Campus!
上智大学直営寮(上智枝川寮・祖師谷国際交流会館・アルペ国際学生寮)は、国籍、宗教、文化等、多様なバックグラウンドを持つ学生たちが暮らす教育寮です。近年、学生の主体的な学びや成長実感が重視されていますが、共同生活や交流の機会を通じて、直営寮生たちはどのような成長実感や気づきを得ている のでしょうか? 2回にわたり紹介します。
前編では、直営寮生対象の「Sophia Dormitory Study Tour」についてお届けします。
Sophia dormitories (Edagawa Dormitory, Soshigaya International House, and Arrupe International Residence) are educational dormitories where students from diverse backgrounds live and spend time together. Let’s find out how students grow and acquire self awareness through dormitory life from following articles.
The first article introduces “Sophia Dormitory Study Tour.”
Sophia Dormitory Study Tour とは
About Sophia Dormitory Study Tour
直営寮では、教育プログラムとして「Sophia Dormitory Study Tour」を開催しています。これは、SDGsや社会課題に取り組む現場に赴き、現地での体験や人との触れ合いを通じて寮の仲間と課題解決を探求し、リーダーシップ、コミュニケーション能力、行動力等、将来役立つスキルを身に付けられる日帰りツアーです。直営寮では留学生も多く暮らしているため、ツアーは日英両言語で行われます。今回は、2023年度春学期に行われた3回のツアーの様子をレポートします。
“Sophia Dormitory Study Tour” is held as a one-day educational program for those who lives in dormitories owned and directly operated by the University. This involves going to the field where SDGs and social issues are being tackled, exploring problem-solving with dorm mates through on-site experience and interaction with people, and acquiring skills that will be useful in the future, such as leadership, communication skills, and the ability to take action. Since there are many international students live in Sophia dormitories, tours are conducted in both Japanese and English. Below are tours held in the spring semester of 2023.
◆7月2日(日) 湘南の海をフィールドにSDGsの本質理解・実践
July 2, 2023 -Understanding/Practice of the Nature of SDGs Using the Sea of Shonan as a Field-
初めに、参加者は湘南ビーチでのゴミ拾いを通して、海の現状を実際に目で見て感じました。午後は、海のゴミ問題の現状と課題や、海辺の国際環境認証「BLUE FLAG」取得への挑戦についての講義を受け、海のゴミ問題の根本的解決のためには行政・企業・市民が一体となった取組が不可欠だと学びました。その後、「海の環境問題の解決に向けてソーシャルビジネスを立ち上げるとしたら?」というテーマで参加者同士のグループワークが行われました。参加者からは柔軟な発想で様々な提案が出されました。
In Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture, participants learned about marine environmental issues and deepened their understanding of SDGs from the perspective of climate change. Participants first cleaned the beach in Shonan and knew the currently condition of ocean. In the afternoon, a lecture on the situation and challenges of marine debris, and the challenges of obtaining the international environmental certification ”BLUE FLAG” for coastal areas has been given. Through the lecture, participants learned that to solve the marine debris problem, it is essential for governments, enterprises, and citizens to work together. Finally, group discussion was held on the theme of starting social business to solve ocean environmental problems. Participants came up with a variety of proposals based on their flexible ideas.
Participants’ Voice:
・I learned about the current status and challenges of the marine debris problem, and what would be necessary for the future.
・It was interesting to come up with ideas from a business perspective.
・I didn’t have much chance to speak foreign languages, so this time I had fun using English and other languages of the region where other students were from.




◆8月5日(土) KURKKU FIELDS に学ぶ持続可能な”循環型農業”
August 5, 2023 -Learn Sustainable Circular Agriculture from KURKKU FIELDS-
千葉県木更津市にあるKURKKU FIELDS(クルックフィールズ)の見学・体験を通じて、エネルギーや気候変動の観点から“持続できる社会”のモデルケースを学びました。KURKKU FIELDSは「農業」「食」「アート」を軸とした自然と共生した体験型の施設で、約9万坪(東京ドーム約6倍)の広大な農場でたくさんの野菜や家畜を育てながら、園内で出る副産物や水を循環させ、未来志向の環境づくりを実践しています。
参加者は環境に配慮した園内の施設を順番に見学し、KURKKU FIELDS誕生の経緯や取り組みについての講義を受けました。園内で採れた野菜や猪肉を使ったお弁当を堪能した後は、「サスティナブルな社会の実現に向けて、あなたがKURKKU FIELDSで新エリアを造るとしたら」というテーマでグループディスカッションを行いました。
・「KURKKU FIELDSの天然資源を余すところなく循環させ、再利用するという考え方には感銘を受けました。以前は有機農業についてよく知らず、自分の食べ物がどこから来たのか考えたこともなかったけれど、今では食料品を手に入れる時、その食べ物の原産地について知りたいと思うようになりました。」
Through a tour to KURKKU FIELDS in Kisarazu City, Chiba Prefecture, participants learned about a model case for a “sustainable society” from the perspective of energy and climate change. KURKKU FIELDS is an experience-based facility that coexists with nature, centering on agriculture, food, and art. While growing vegetables and raising livestock on a farm which is about 297520.66 m², six times larger than the Tokyo Dome, the facility is practicing future-oriented environmental management by recycling by-products and water. Participants first look around the park’s environmentally friendly facilities and received a lecture about the history and initiatives behind the creation of KURKKU FIELDS. After enjoying a boxed lunch made with wild boar meat and vegetables grown in the park, participants had a discussion on the new area they would create for URKKU FIELDS to contribute to a sustainable society if possible.
Participants’ Voice:
・I was impressed by KURKKU FIELDS’ concept of recycling and reusing all natural resources. Before, I didn’t know much about organic farming and never thought about where the food I had come from, but now I want to know where the foods are from when I buy groceries.
・I feel like to consider organic farming as a future career.
・The staffs were really kind, charming and passionate. It was a great opportunity to learn new things.




◆8月26日(土) パラスポーツを学ぶ ボッチャ体験型研修
August 26, 2023 -Boccia Experience Based Workshop to Learn Para Sports–
In Nomura Co., Ltd. in Daiba, Tokyo, participants learned about understanding people with disabilities and the spread of parasports, and thought about social issues in the sports world, health, welfare, gender equality, etc. First, participants had a tour at the unique office of Nomura, which is working to address social issues through “space production” in the sports industry and focuses on supporting parasports.
Then, participants tried the sport of “boccia,”’ which can be played equally by people of different age, gender, and physical ability. In the afternoon, a Nomura employee/athlete talked about how he got into parasports and the space that he realized through parasports that creates a barrier-free mind, while also sharing his real-life experiences. The designer of Nomura also talked to the participants and introduced examples of creating spaces that solve social issues. Finally, group work was carried out on the theme of “creating a worry-free outing space for everyone”. Participants actively provide their opinions with keywords such as foreigners, children, and wheelchair users.
Participants’ Voice:
・I learned that although it is difficult to change the environment, space can be changed depending on ideas.
・I had a meaningful time being able to visit the office where normally students don’t have access to. It was also great to receive feedback from the employees.
・I would like to share what I learned and was aware of with my family and friends in my circle, and create a society where everyone can live without worries.




参加してみてどうだった? スタディツアーと成長実感
How was the study tour and the feeling of growth after participation?
「Sophia Dormitory Study Tour」は、参加前後にプログラムの教育効果に関するアンケートを実施しています。各回のテーマに関して「何が重要な課題なのかを理解している」「具体的にどのような取り組みが行われているかを知っている」「自分自身が寄与できる行動を理解している」といった知識の面や、「小さな成果に喜びを感じ、目標達成に向かって粘り強く取り組み続けることができる」等の行動力、「教室での学びを実社会で活かせている」等の社会的責任、「課題を明らかにするために、他者の意見を積極的に求めている」等の問題解決力といった様々なスキルの面において、いずれの回でも、参加前後で「そう思う」「強くそう思う」と回答した人の割合が増加していました。
Surveys regarding the educational effectiveness of “Sophia Dormitory Study Tour” was conducted before and after the tour, and percentage for people who answered “Agree”’ or “Strongly Agree” to the following items has increased after participation.
“I understand what the key issues are on this subject”, “I know what specific initiatives are being undertaken in the world on this subject”, “I understand the actions I can contribute on this subject”. “Feel joy in small achievements and persevere in working toward achieving goals.” “Able to apply classroom learning to the real world.” “Actively seek the opinions of others to clarify issues.”
Study tours allow students to visit places that they wouldn’t be able to go via a sightseeing trip, get a closer look at various social issues, and learn ways to solve problems. By interacting with each other, students also gain new insights and learn the importance of accepting diverse ways of thinking. Through the tours, participants had experienced a sense of growth that was different from what they learned from classes.
Editor’s note
「上智のいまを発見」では学生の活躍、耳寄り情報、先生によるコラム、先輩紹介など、大学の中と外でおきているあれこれを特集しています。取り上げてほしい人や話題など、みなさんからの情報も募集中。情報提供は findsophia-co(at)まで。記事形式、ビデオ、写真、アイディアなど形式は問いません。どうぞ自由な発想でお送りください。*残念ながらすべての応募情報にお答えすることはできません。採用させていただく場合のみご連絡をいたします。
Attractive study tours will continue to be offered and we hope participants can feel their growth through participation. All residents are welcome to join future tours!
In the Find Sophia Now, we feature the activities of students, useful tips for student life, columns by our professors, introductions of our seniors, and other topics inside and outside the university. We are also looking for information about people and topics that you would like us to cover. Please send us your suggestion to findsophia-co(at) Any format is acceptable, including articles, videos, photos, and ideas so feel free to provide us your ideas. (We cannot respond to all submissions and we will only contact you if we decide to select your idea.)
See you on next Find Sophia Now!